
Must-Do Training for Retirement Community Sales Associates

Successful training programs for retirement community sales associates requires the following elements:

Selling to Generational Differences
Seniors (60s, 70s and 80s) and Boomers (mid-40s to mid-60s) are primary targets for active retirement facilities. Both of these generations are very different. It is critical to your closing ratio that your agents use different sales approaches to create more sales. Your training needs to show them how to read people, determine their hot buttons and create a sense of urgency.

Selling with Social Media

Social websites should be investigated and included in your Communications Strategy as they can be instrumental in helping you to target your audience to ensure you are sending a message they want to hear when they want to hear it. It is a cyber-form of networking but without having to leave your office or sell in an overt manner.

Selling to Boomers Unique Lifestyle

Many Boomers 60 and older are seeking retirement residences that reflect their deeply embedded attitude about living full lives as they age. They are concerned about being healthy and achieving a desired lifestyle on their own terms.

Getting on the right side of their attitude will make your retirement community especially attractive to them.

Selling to the In-Between Generation

Boomers reaching age 65 in 2011 are all the rage today. Actually, they have always been the rage with the news media, since they are the largest age generation we have seen. Now the first of the generation are hitting the magic age of 65, and are getting more than their fair share of news.

Between the Boomer generation and the Elder Generation is the In-Between Generation -- those born between 1937 and 1945 who are now in their 60s and mid-70s. This age group is prime for what you have to offer in retirement housing, if you play it right.