
Must-Have Selling Skills to Help You Fill Vacancies Faster

If you want to maintain 100% occupancy and ensure you have a pre-qualified wait list to keep your facility full, then you must possess 3 basic sales skills.

You must be able to:

A. Qualify the Business

There are 3 main criteria in qualifying a potential sale whether youre in retail, tourism or retirement communities:

1) What is the seniors financial status? Does this potential resident have the resources to maintain residency with you for an indeterminate length of time?

The Power of Grandparenting to Your Retirement Community

Think for a moment about how many grandparents reside in your retirement home or retirement community. The grandparent population is a very large one, and a well-to-do one. Quite often, grandparents have more household wealth than the population as a whole.

The numbers across the country are very large -- well over 80 million grandparents. Soon, there will be 90 to 100 million grandparents.