
Four Takeaways for Creating ‘Seniors-Friendly’ Advertising

Much of the retirement community advertising misses the mark. So much of it is the same. It’s a picture of the smiling older couple, the daughter and mom or the tennis-playing or golfing twosome. There is no distinctiveness nor differentiation from one community’s advertising to another. As a result, there is little or no compelling need to respond to the message.

The Truth in Advertising your Community

The image you portray for your Community is as important as the message you convey through your marketing campaigns. Does one support the other in terms of its true meaning versus public perception? How often have you seen the truth in advertising? When Ritz Crackers was re-launched as Ritz Bits in an attempt to revitalize the brand, how is it that the advertising moguls thought that by making the cracker smaller it would make it taste better or be more desirable? And how many of you had trouble finding the crackers on the shelf when they changed the packaging?