Senior duo wins comedy award
The duo, formally named Beryl Renwick and Betty Smith, are 86 and 90 years old, and they recently won a widely-respected British radio award, as reported recently in the Daily Mail newspaper.
The duo, formally named Beryl Renwick and Betty Smith, are 86 and 90 years old, and they recently won a widely-respected British radio award, as reported recently in the Daily Mail newspaper.
This year, I turned 55. In some circles, this qualifies me as a senior citizen. At the outset, I want you to know that this is virtually impossible. After all, my birth year was 1954. Disneyland was born a year later, and NOBODY considers Disneyland to be a senior citizen.
By Daphne Hargreaves
My fate was sealed twenty-one years before I was born. It was at the time of my mother's birth.
My grandmother had longed to give her first born daughter the name Daphne. Her husband would have none of it, instead the baby was named Elsie Eileen. This name, my grandfather's choice, he registered before my grandmother was discharged from hospital - she was not even a party to the naming of the baby she had just given birth to!