Harry Potter-mania is upon us! The last installment of the popular series entered theatres last Friday, and it's an end of an era.
The first film, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, entered theatres ten years ago, and has since entertained millions, earned billions, and become a central part of our popular culture. Arguably the biggest hero of the series (after Harry Potter himself) is Dumbedore, an older, sagely wizard, who imparts wisdom and strength to his young friend.
And while Dumbledore may live in a castle, and not in a retirement living community, we think we have something in common with him.
We here at RetirementHomes.com, and in this newsletter, RetirementConnect, try to do the same thing. We partner with experts to get you the best news and information to live happier, healthier and wealthier lives
This month, we have articles ranging from tips to live longer to tips while traveling. We hope you find them both fun and informative.
Robert Walker
Editor, RetirementConnect newsletter