Divorce during retirement living years can be painful and a relief

While most of the general public was shocked to hear Al and Tipper Gore announce the end of their marriage, other curent singletons can relate to their struggle.

According to the Boston Globe, divorce during one's retirement living is often wrought with both happy and sad emotions.

The news source spoke with Gerald Garnick, who split with his wife of almost four decades.

Divorce during retirement living years can be painful and a relief "To come home to a person you've been married to for 38 years and you don't want to be there, that's really the bottom line," he told the news outlet.

And while building a life and becoming grandparents should keep a couple together, seniors contemplating a separation often site their "growing apart" as the reason for their estrangement.

"The kids are going off to college and they spent so much attention on them that some people look at each other and wonder who the other one is," Sue Hallowell, a family therapist in Cambridge, Massachusetts, told the news outlet.

According to the United States census, most divorces take place during the first eight years of marriage.

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