Older persons in Edinburgh must pay tiny taxes

Everyone in Scotland is required to pay their taxes, older persons included, and Doris Nelson can attest to that.

Nelson is a grandmother who recently received a series of tax demands from Edinburgh City Council, according to the Deadline Press and Picture Agency. Normally, tax demands aren't funny, but Nelson's case is an exception because hers were for a single penny.

"I couldn't believe it," she told the agency.

Older persons in Edinburgh must pay tiny taxes "I know these letters are probably churned out by a computer, but how much does it cost to send me this and how many more like this are being sent out at a time when the council is trying to make efficiency savings?"

After offering to pay by check, Nelson was eventually told to forget about the incident and not to worry.

Susie Squire, the political director of the Taxpayers' Alliance, told the Edinburgh News she had never heard of such a small demand. "Never for a penny, sometimes for £5 or £10 but not this. I am sure there was no bad intention here, but there should be more checking to prevent such worry and waste in the future."

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