Independent living still possible thanks to grant

The Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (FHLB) recently announced that it has given a 92-year-old woman a $4,500 grant to repair her home and prolong her independent living.

Mae Ella Allen will now be able to replace the roof of her home in Wrightsville, Arkansas thanks to a FHLB grant that is part of the bank's Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP).

Independent living still possible thanks to grant The FHLB set aside $1 million for the SNAP earlier this year.

"I think that this is an extraordinarily good program," said Woodson Walker of the local housing agency that helped Allen with the project. "SNAP is one of the best programs that I think the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas has ever presented. I hope it will be funded again 10 times over."

The FHLB also supports housing and community development by providing loans and other credit products to people across the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas. The SNAP's funds ran out last September, but the FHLB approved a $500,000 special allocation to continue providing help.

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