Choices may limit vision loss as Americans approach retirement living

This month is Healthy Vision month, and for older Americans, steps they take now can still have some benefit in ensuring that their gaze out of an active living home's window doesn't go out of focus.

Swapping out habits that may have health risks, such as smoking, for healthier eating habits that help seniors re

Choices may limit vision loss as Americans approach retirement living ach the daily recommended value of vitamins C and E may help limit the risk of macular degeneration, where the center of vision is gradually lost before it progresses outward, according to the Texas Opthalmalogical Association.

Also, sunglasses and eye protection for those healthy enough to continue participating in sports or work on household projects may reduce the number of eye injuries, estimated to afflict 2.5 million Americans.

"Something as simple as remembering to wear your sunglasses can delay the development of cataracts," says Dr Glen Kemp, TOA president.

For the detailed projects that may help seniors continue their hobbies, the recommendation is to use the 20-20-20 concept: Look up every 20 minutes at something that's about a car length away for 20 seconds.

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