Are you delusional about your health?

How do you think your retirement planning is going? Are you on track to where you hope to be in a few years, or are you falling behind?

If you’re confident in your retirement savings and your level of health, that’s a good thing, but experts say you should think twice about becoming too comfortable.

According to a recent article on, experts say millions of retirement living seniors and Baby Boomers in the years before retirement are ‘delusional’ about the state of their retirement planning.

“The mismatch between how people think the next 10 to 15 years is going to go and what current retirees experience is something that's very consistent,” Jeff Goldsmith, author of The Long Baby Boom, told the news source.

Goldsmith cited a study which showed only 13 per cent of people over the age of 50 said they thought their health would decline in their retirement years, but among seniors, nearly 40 per cent of them said their health deteriorated in their retirement years.

According to the article, one of the major surprises for many retirees is the cost of assisted living, which can vary by location, and which should be researched as early as possible to avoid costly surprises.