Baby boomers and their bucket lists

Baby boomers expected to maintain active lifestylesBaby boomers are beginning to reach retirement age, but it is not slowing them down. Individuals across the country are keeping up with their active lifestyles and turning retirement living into one new thing after the next, according to Forbes magazine.

Sisters Paula Harris, 69, and Jeanne Goldberg, 75, have been taking vacations for the past five years and leaving their husbands behind. These two decided that they wanted to go out and do things they haven't yet, and they started with kayaking, whale watching and seeking out the best wines in Washington and Oregon. It has been a tradition ever since. Their last trip even took them to Europe, where they spent time in southeast France, according to the news source.

Goldberg and Harris are setting an example for baby boomers as they enter retirement. Many people believe that boomers across the nation will be partaking in similar activities.

According to SignOnSanDiego, an AARP national survey found that the top priority on aging adults' list was to travel - two out of five older adults claimed vacations were ranked above hobbies, faith and good health for what they wanted out of old age. 