E-mail for Seniors

In today’s digital world, Internet technologies play a big role in the way people communicate with one another.  We’ve never been more connected with our families, friends, and networks than we are today, and it will only get better in the future.

Of all the communication tools available, one of the most popular is e-mail, or electronic mail.  In a nutshell, an email is a digital message.  Having an email address is like having a mailing address on the Internet.  People you share your email address with can send you private digital messages called e-mails.  You can retrieve these messages and send your own emails to people quite easily using the Internet.  E-mails can contain text only, or can have attachments, such as pictures, links to websites, music, and videos.

One of the most appealing characteristics of email is that it’s free.  If you have an Internet connection at home or can access the Internet from a computer at your local library or retirement home, getting an email address costs nothing.  There are many websites that offer free email addresses.  Some of the more popular options include; gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Once you have signed up for an email address, you can access it from any computer, anywhere in the world that is connected to the Internet.  You can write as many email messages as you want, they can be as long or as short as you like, and you can send them half way around the planet for free

Another great thing about email is how fast it is.  Once an email has been sent to someone, that person will receive it within a few seconds, regardless of how far away they are.  This allows information to travel quickly, which is great when you want to watch the video of your grandson blowing out the candles on his birthday cake right after it happens.

Unlike traditional mail, email can be kept forever on the Internet.  You can organize your email using virtual folders, which makes finding past messages fast and simple.  This is much better than a clutter covered desk and a pile of boxes filled with old letters.

One recent trend is banks and other financial institutions offering monthly email statements, instead of printed monthly statements for customers.  Other businesses are following along, offering email bills and receipts.  This not only delivers the information more efficiently to the customer, but it also saves lots of paper, making it good for the environment.

It’s easy to recognize how email can help someone stay connected with their family and friends.  If you’re not currently using email to keep in touch with the people you care about, you should take the time to learn how.  It’s quite simple, and with a little practice, you’ll be sending emails around the world in no time.