Alzheimer's care expected to increase with number of affected

Baby boomers reaching retirement, Alzheimer's may be on the riseBaby boomers are currently reaching retirement as the first wave of the demographic reaches 65. A lot is expecting to change with them, including the perception of retirement living and the type of care that these individuals will receive as they age. However, one of the main fears among many boomers is Alzheimer's disease, which is currently one of the top 10 causes of death among Americans, according to ABC News.

There is expected to be nearly 10 million baby boomers hitting their golden years in the next couple decades, which also means that the number of Alzheimer's patients will swell - the risk of getting the disease doubles as an individual ages over 65 years old, the news source reports. In addition, with the rise in people affected, the number of facilities and individuals who offer Alzheimer's care will continue to increase.

According to CBS News, memory loss is the second on the list of what baby boomers fear as they reach their golden years. Boomers are expected to change the way people think about retirement as they keep up with their active lifestyles. However, it is important for these individuals to exercise and stay fit in order to do so.