European study finds non-invasive procedures in diagnosing Alzheimer's

European study finds non-invasive procedures for early Alzheimer's careAlzheimer's disease has been diagnosed in more and more elderly people as the years pass by. There is a new research project in Europe that is attempting to identify the disease at the earliest possible time. The project is called PredictAD.

"Current diagnostic guidelines emphasise the importance of various biomarkers in diagnostics. We have developed novel approaches to extract biomarkers from imaging data, electrophysiological data and blood samples, and a unique and clinically useful software tool for integrating all these heterogeneous measurements." said Dr Jyrki Lötjönen, the scientific coordinator of the project.

Some of the processes they deemed useful for detecting the disease included changes in the electrophysiology of the brain, non-invasive ways to find biomarkers of the disease by using blood samples and a method of determining the mental state of the patient.

According to the Alzheimer's Association, no two people who suffer from this disease have the same experience. Therefore, the proper Alzheimer's care can range from different tactics, from helping a loved one dress to managing their medications. 