How to make money while in retirement

How to make money while in retirement While many seniors have planned ahead for retirement living, some older adults may have been hard hit by the recession and lost some of their nest egg. Fortunately, there are some ways that individuals can rebuild what was lost and still enjoy senior living, according to Fox 5 Vegas.

One way that older adults can support themselves is by applying for or staying in a job. These don't have to be stressful, long-hour careers - even a part time position at a retail outlet or customer service desk can help bring in around $960 per month if the salary is $12 an hour, according to the news source.

Seniors may also want to consider transitioning to a retirement home or an independent living facility. This will allow older adults to downsize the home that they occupied with their family, which is likely now too big.

Older adults who are moving to a new living space are likely going to be getting rid of some possessions. Instead of throwing items away, U.S. News and World Report recommends that seniors sell their possessions by holding a garage sale or using online websites like eBay.  