Doctor helps patients and residents alike in Florida retirement homes

The Merry Widows enjoy the finer things in life - parties and jewelry are some of the items at the top of the list - but they also carried very real challenges, according to The New York Times. All of the women's husbands suffered from Alzheimer's disease, so they decided to move to several retirement homes in Miami, Florida.

Little did they know that 45-year-old Dr.

Doctor helps patients and residents alike in Florida retirement homes Marc E. Argonin would not only provide their husbands with valuable Alzheimer's care, he would also help them adjust to their new living situations by acting as a stand-in psychiatrist.

Argonin's role is a unique one, as more healthcare professionals aren't as seamlessly integrated into patient lives. Experts state that the bond is an important one, as mental health is just as important as physical health during the golden years due to common symptoms experienced by seniors such as isolation and depression.

"Approximating what I do is hardly economically feasible," Dr. Agronin told the publication. "Caregivers need assessment and services as well, and this is not reimbursable time."

The first step toward finding a care provider who can also act as a friend and counselor may be to look into assisted living communities where the services are available.  

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