Becoming the caregiver for a mother

One of the most difficult parts about taking care of an older parent is witnessing the role reversal that often occurs. Caregivers who used to be the children looking for advice and reassurance slowly have to become authorities on healthcare and living issues. 

Deb Cranny recently wrote about her role reversal experience with her parents in The Brainerd Dispatch, detailing how it first started when her mother began looking to her for advice.

Becoming the caregiver for a mother Nowadays, however, those choices are a little more serious - Cranny is overseeing her parents' home care and healthcare.

This kind of caregiving should bring the whole family together so that siblings and relatives can help decide what will be best for an aging parent. Make sure that future possibilities are planned out - wills, finances and long-term care options could all become hot topics.

When it does come to looking into extended care for a senior, consider how much assistance an older adult needs. If he or she is able to continue living at home, skilled nursing services can provide home visits by medical professionals. Otherwise, experts suggest looking into assisted living facilities or nursing homes. 

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