Exercising is one way to help lower blood pressure, but AARP.org suggests that there are some specific foods that can also be helpful.
Better yet, most are everyday dishes that many retirees may already like to eat.
Start with a serving of blueberries a week - this can help healthy retirement living immensely, because just a small portion contains a high amount of anthocyanins, which are compounds that fight hypertension. Potatoes supply magnesium and potassium, which are other nutrients that can help reduce blood pressure.
Want an immediate reduction in blood pressure? Try having a glass of beet juice, which has been found to lower levels within a few hours due to a high content of nitrates, according to the news source.
Low-fat dairy items such as yogurt, skim milk and cottage cheese have also been found to lower the risk of high-blood pressure by 11 percent.
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