New Jersey county celebrates caregivers

Across the country, families are taking care of older adults and others who are in need of assistance. The National Family Caregivers Association estimates that there are a total of 65 million caregivers in the United States and that number is predicted to grow as baby boomers age.

In Morris County, New Jersey, the situation is even more grave - over 25 percent of residents are taking care of a family member with serious health conditions, according to The Daily Record.

The United Way recently joined with the Morris County Division on Aging, Disabilities and Veterans in order to help the Caregivers Coalition, which provides support and other services to local caregivers.

Theresa Davis, director of the county's division on aging, told the news provider that the typical caregiver is an adult child who is trying to work while attending to an older parent who requires skilled nursing care.

She suggested that the average caregiver can lose $649,000 in wages, pensions and benefits due to their responsibilities.

New Jersey county celebrates caregivers Stress and other health issues due to these duties is also a concern, which makes the support from the Caregivers Coalition even more important.

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