Trainers using exercises to target balance in older adults

For many older adults, maintaining balance as they age can be a significant problem. That's why, according to The New York Times, many senior citizens are turning to one-on-one training facilities or larger health clubs to work on their balance and stability.

While there may be a natural tendency to assume that loss of balance with age is unavoidable, the news source reports that it can be improved with certain exercises.

Trainers using exercises to target balance in older adults Among the exercises that Michael Rogers, an exercise scientist from Wichita State University, recommends are ones that can be done by individuals at their own home. Activities such as standing with feet close together while brushing one's teeth may seem small, but can yield potential benefits.

"The nervous system has considerably more regenerative capacity well into the senior years than we used to think," neurologist Dr David Thurman. "The capacity for adjustment, compensation and even developing new skills remains there."

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, regular physical activity is an important aspect of aging. The department suggests that adults over the age of 65 and reap substantial benefits from engaging in 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise.

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