Maintaining longevity may lead to cognitive benefits for retirement living seniors

While calorie intake and insulin levels have been known to foster longevity, it looks like these actions may have other benefits.

A team of researchers at Princeton University have conducted a study that shows that cognitive function may be improved with a low-calorie diet and increased sensitivity to insulin.

"The assumption in the field of longevity research has been that organisms able to live longer will function longer as well," said Coleen Murphy, senior author on the paper.

The biologists conducted their research on a number of worms, and discovered the actions prevented memory loss over long periods of time.

Maintaining longevity may lead to cognitive benefits for retirement living seniors

"I'm optimistic because we know these longevity mechanisms in [worms] are conserved in higher organisms, and there are reasons to believe that they could have similar effects on lifespan and cognitive function in humans," Murphy said.

Seniors who want to live a long and healthy life have other options available to them. Experts recommend eating healthy and maintaining a regular physical fitness routine as ways to contribute towards longevity.

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