Love of learning key to long life for retirement living seniors

Retirement living seniors who tend to shun pop culture news and the latest technological advances may want to consider giving the modern world another try.

According to Reuters, the key to a long and happy life may lie in embracing technology and current events. The news source reports that a recent study, which surveyed 100 centenarians, found that several retirement living seniors reported constant use of iPods and text messaging.

Love of learning key to long life for retirement living seniors

"If I could leave any message, never stop learning. Period. That's it," said Maurice Eisman, a centenarian who lives in Maryland, told the news source.

One surprising result of the survey is how much the 100-year-old participants kept up with pop culture. When asked who they would like to invite to dinner if given the chance, the most popular response was Betty White.

There are other ways to achieve longevity for those retirement living seniors who aren't able to adopt a technological way of living. Yahoo! Health advises people to eat healthy, drink clean water and practice tai chi in order to promote longevity.

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