Good News for retirement living seniors: Social Security sites receive high ratings

A new report shows that three of the online services offered by the U.S. government's Social Security website rank high when it comes to customer satisfaction. Both the online retirement estimator and the benefits application received a rating of 90, which is higher than the private sector's top scoring website, Netflix.

User friendly websites are a major benefit to seniors, whether they are adept at navigating the internet or not.

Michael J.

Good News for retirement living seniors: Social Security sites receive high ratings Asture, commissioner of Social Security, made a statement commending the office's performance. "The internet provides the public with the ability to conduct business at their convenience and at their own pace, without the need to take leave from work, travel to a field office, and wait to meet with an agency representative."

Asture also remarked that the sites allow Social Security employees to expediently process customer information.

For many seniors who are disabled or do not have viable transportation, the internet can be a very useful tool. The ability to access information and receive customer support via the web is a way for many to avoid the hassle and bureaucracy that inconvenience many retirement living seniors.

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