Retirement living seniors set to fly solo around the world

Some active living seniors set out to accomplish something new when they retire. Those who are passionate about writing a novel or running a marathon often discover they suddenly have the time to commit themselves to an exciting goal.

According to the New Straight Times, one retirement living senior has sky high aspirations for his golden years.

The news source reports that Captain William M.

Retirement living seniors set to fly solo around the world Charney, a Vietnam War veteran, is planning on flying solo around the world. The 74-year-old active senior will attempt to circumnavigate the globe, but will be doing it without a time crunch.

"I am not racing against anything. This is a personal challenge and adventure for me as I am able to meet many people and see many world heritage sites. And what better way than to do it lying low level," he told the New Strait Times.

The first person to fly solo around the world was Wiley Post, who accomplished the task in 1933.

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