Older persons need less sleep than their younger family members

Active living seniors who find it a little difficult to get the recommended eight hours of sleep can rest a little easier - a new study conducted by the Clinical Research Centre of the University of Surrey suggests that older adults need 20 less minutes of sleep a day than middle-aged individuals, who require 23 less minutes per day than young people.

Older persons need less sleep than their younger family members

In fact, being alert on slightly less sleep is a sign of healthy aging, according to the researchers. However, that means that active living seniors who are often sleepy during their daytime activities might have a sleep disorder, or be in sleep debt.

"Our findings reaffirm the theory that it is not normal for older people to be sleepy during the daytime," said principal investigator Derk-Jan Dijk, professor of sleep and physiology at the University of Surrey.

Individuals who feel tired during the day can use certain techniques to help them catch some shut eye, like going to bed at the same time every day, avoiding large meals before bed time and exercising regularly.

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