Income generation for retirement living is doubted by some

Mention the word 401k to someone debating what steps to financially secure retirement living income, and they may offer one of two responses: frustration at the decrease in value caused by the global economic downturn, or a general belief that if they put money away that it will pay dividends.

Both attitudes are key to understanding that non-guranteed income may not be a perfect choice for some investors, boomer blogger Carol Orsborn writes for the Huffington Post.

Income generation for retirement living is doubted by some She cites the declining Consumer Confidence Index as a cause for concern, because the Boomer generation represents one of the wealthiest demographics in the U.S.

"Add to this the fact that with our impaired retirement savings, we're going to be working longer, accumulating more contributions to our 401k's, than any generation in history - and there may even be cause for Wall Street to celebrate," Orsborn continues in her piece for the website.

Those beliefs may strike a chord with the financial services industry, especially in light of a recent report from the Corporate Executive Board cited by BusinessWeek finding that an overwhelming majority of investors aged 55-70 place more value on guaranteed income, similar to systems found in Europe.

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