Silver surfers may benefit from site designed by fellow seniors

Seniors aren't averse to social networking sites to blog and chat about retirement living activities, as recent surveys from Pew Research suggest.

More than half of Americans over the age of 64 go online today, and more than one in ten have become involved with social networking sites, according to the survey.

But some retirees think that more seniors would become involved if they had a resource of their own.

That's why an elderly couple from Queens, New York, joined a friend from Florida in creating GenKvetch, a site that allows silver surfers to share articles and other stories with each other, according to the New York Daily News.

"[I have] always been fiddling around with computers," Illy Brown, one early adopter, told the news provider about the site.

Silver surfers may benefit from site designed by fellow seniors "It's set up by older people for older people, and it's much more interesting to me."

With roughly a quarter of seniors chatting on instant messenging systems and reading blogs, it helps for some new users that GenKvetch creators are willing to walk them through some of the features so they can share ideas with their friends.

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