But she is 71 years old, and yoga teacher Pam Horton's three hour-long-effort shows that active living does not have to be limited just because you are old enough to start receivin
g a pension, according to the Guardian.
"Seventy isn't really old these days," she told the news provider, before mentioning that her wind-surfing husband, aged 76, and she lives in a community near Carlisle where retirees are living into their 90s.
For older people who attend classes like Horton's, yoga could provide benefits in increasing flexibility while reducing the fear of falling, according to researchers at Indiana University.
There, thanks to a high attendance rate, classes in an adaptable form of yoga led to self-reported lower body flexibility increases of more than one-third, and lead researcher Marieke Van Puymbroeck said the participants found ways to extend the lessons to other activities.
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