Solutions for stressed seniors who can't sleep as money dwindles

Senior citizens may understand better than most the effects of the economic downturn, as financial instruments and retirement savings have decreased in value, leading some seniors to be unable to sleep at night as they wonder how social security and pensions will cover the difference.

But stress, a leading cause of sleep problems, can be alleviated in other ways, whether seniors choose to remain at home or res

Solutions for stressed seniors who can't sleep as money dwindles ide in assisted living facilities.

A well-rounded healthy habits plan that could include diet and regular exercise, as well as supplements and good planning may make a difference according to Dr Douglas Mackay.

The naturopath recommends that adults who want the benefits of sleep be willing to budget six to eight hours a night for sleep.

Getting less than that presents the average senior citizen with a bevy of potential health risks, including inflammation after one night of little sleep according to UCLA's Cousins Center.

By budgeting time, and choosing to eat a proper diet with exercise, seniors may be able to have more productive sleep in the face of different stressors.

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