ARRA benefits for Seniors living in affordable housing

Monies included in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act may enable more seniors to pursue homecare options in Philadelphia, where the municipal housing authority received more than $90 million according to the Associated Press.

The funds will be used to complete capital improvements such as heating and air improvements for the housing that is offered to seniors and others living off a fixed income.

ARRA will distribute almost $3 billion to housing authorities around the nation for similar improvements.

Further grants enabled by ARRA could help those who want to re-enter the workforce, as 207 public housing agencies also received $12 million to help residents find jobs by increasing training and placement opportunities.

"As America prepares to meet the growing challenges brought on by rising unemployment, it helps to have a helping hand guide individuals to training and job opportunities in their community," said Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan.

ARRA benefits for Seniors living in affordable housing

A HUD study found that income increased more for those who had been involved in similar programs versus that of persons who did not take advantage of the opportunity.

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