Organization: Regular aspirin use prevents stroke

Doctors should be encouraging their patients to use aspirin on a regular basis in an effort to save lives, according to a national organization.

The Partnership for Prevention said the daily practice is important to prevent heart attacks and strokes among older adults and that the new recommendation from the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force "underscores" that importance.

"We need to make sure that the health reform debate now gathering momentum in Congress gives top priority to increasing the delivery of clinically effective and highly cost-effective preventive services such as regular aspirin use," said Dr.

Organization: Regular aspirin use prevents stroke Corinne G. Husten, interim president of the Partnership for Prevention.

The USPSTF reportedly found that regular aspirin use reduces first heart attacks in men and first strokes in women of certain ages: men between the ages of 45 and 79, and women between 55 and 79.

In a separate study, the Partnership for Prevention found that if 90 percent of people "who should be taking aspirin were taking aspirin" then an additional 45,000 lives would be saved each year.

Seniors interested in incorporating aspirin into their daily routine may want to consult their doctor to be sure it won't interfere with any other medication they may be on.

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