Pharmacy: How to save money on prescription medication

An independent pharmacy that mainly operates in the Midwest released a list of cost-saving tips for senior citizens who are struggling to afford their prescription medication during this recession.

Some seniors, citing financial constraints, have reportedly been forgoing their medication in an effort to save some money. However, there are other ways to cut costs in one's life-saving drugs, according to Lewis P.

Pharmacy: How to save money on prescription medication Zeidner, CEO of ApothecaryRx.

"The faltering economy is affecting everyone differently, but no one should feel they must put their health at risk to makes ends meet," Zeidner said.

Seniors should consult their physician about alternative, low-cost medication for their conditions, the president said. Also, eligible patients may want to consider participating in a manufacturer's discount programs can cut down on prescription drug costs.

Finally, generic medications cost an average of 15 to 20 percent less than brand name drugs, though not all medications have generic versions since some medical patents have still not expired, according to Zeidner.

Last year, it was reported generic heart medications gave patients the same benefit as their brand-name counterparts.

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