Website publishers fight for seniors'medication

A group of publishers of a website directed at senior citizens have banded together to urge President Barack Obama to halt the FDA's seizures of medication coming from out of the country.

The affordable medication is reportedly being seized from legitimate pharmacies based in from Australia and New Zealand.

In a public statement, the publishers urge the president to resume the flow of affordable medicines to U.S.

Website publishers fight for seniors' medication senior citizens.

"Especially disturbing is that the FDA temporarily returned to the heavy-handed techniques of threatening letters to the U.S. citizens whose doctor-prescribed medications were seized, suggesting that they are in violation of U.S. law," the publishers wrote.

The FDA letters reportedly says the reason for the seizures is that the mediation is still unapproved. However the group claims the drugs being seized have already been approved.

"That the seizures occur when increasing numbers of Americans forego taking medications because they pay the highest prices in the world for prescription medicines, in addition to being burdened with a depressed economy, is intolerable," the publishers wrote.

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