Dakim BrainFitness, a national provider of brain fitness programs, has compiled a list of simple ways senior citizens can improve their cognitive function.
First, seniors are encouraged to socialize more often, which will provide an opportunity to communicate as well as producing critical thought, creativity and emotional expression, according to Dakim.
Past studies have also found increased social interactions with people can reduce the risk of heart disease.
While most seniors are told to adhere to a certain diet, Dakim recommends certain foods that will benefit the brain. Eating more fish, such as salmon and sardines, along with unsalted nuts, fruits and vegetables can maintain a healthy mind.
Finally, seniors may want to resolve to do something new this year, states Dakim, such as taking up dancing, gardening or knitting. A new activity may provide mental stimulation that could be lacking in a senior's daily routine.
Incorporating all or some of Dakim's recommendations may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, as an increase in brain activity has been shown to delay the onset of the debilitating disease.
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