Eva Olweean is 86 years old and lives in an apartment that is outfitted with sensors that monitor her movements and behavior, the Associated Press reports. When her bed detected she was experiencing too many restless nights, it sent information about her frequent weight-shifting at odd hours to caregivers monitoring the data.
It eventually led to her cardiologist adjusting Olweean's medication to assist her sleep patterns.
The sensor technology is one of many advances that were revealed earlier this month at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which for the first time had a showcase dedicated to technology catering to older individuals.
Also featured in the show were talking pill boxes, which remind seniors to take their medication as well as robotic pets for lonely seniors in need of a psychological boost, according to the article.
"We're talking about an important paradigm shift in how we think about aging," Majd Alwan, director of the Center for Aging Services Technologies, said at the conference, states the AP.
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