Personality type may factor into dementia

It's a memorable lyric from a Monty Python song and if its advice is followed, senior citizens may be humming the tune for a long time.

A new study has found older people who are more outgoing and relaxed may be less likely to develop dementia, HealthDay News reports.

Hui-Xin Wang, the author of the study, told the news provider people who change their lifestyle to a more socially active one may protect against developing dementia.

Approximately 506 older people participated in the study that had researchers question them about their personality traits, lifestyle and disposition to stress, according to the article.

Personality type may factor into dementia After six years, the people who were calm and more relaxed were 50 percent less likely to develop dementia when compared to those who were a bit more neurotic.

Wang said more studies have to be done to determine what connection personality may have on the development of dementia.

An estimated 5.2 million people in the U.S. are currently living with Alzheimer's disease. By 2030, it's estimated the number of individuals aged 65 and older with the disease will reach 7.7 million. However, some people may want to forget these numbers and just start singing.

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