Targeting ‘Trailing Edge Boomers’

“Trailing Edge Boomers” are individuals in their mid-50s who are starting to plan for their retirement years and consider retirement housing alternatives. As a group, they are the second half of the Baby Boomer generation and they are quite large -- comprising more than half of the total Boomer population – the 76 million or so born between 1946 and 1964.

They are at a point in their lives where they are experiencing rising earnings, as they move through the years in which households historically have their highest annual earnings. Many are married with children. Many are two-income families -- their spouses are likely to be holding jobs. Some are caregivers for their parents.

Where do you find them? One place is in professional and business associations, societies and other affiliations. Many are in volunteers in leadership roles in local and regional chapters, a testimony to their leadership abilities and concern over status. They may be heavily involved and active in the PTA and other types of school organizations. They are natural born leaders and often are involved because they are seeking important societal changes.

College and university ties are very important to them. They enjoy alumni meetings and school events such as anniversaries. They respond positively to alumni fund-raising.

Taking care of themselves physically and mentally is a tie that binds them to their generation. Maintaining good health and remaining fit is also important to them. They participate in athletic programs and fitness programs. They are both participants and spectators in sports activities. Personal trainers are a big favorite of Training Edge Boomers

Let’s look more closely at their life issues.

  1. They were raised in an environment of economic uncertainty. They didn’t experience the Age of Aquarius that Leading Boomers did. Instead, they grew into young adulthood during the late 1970s and early 1980s in an uncertain economy marked by widespread downsizing, in which opportunities seemed limited.
  2. Accumulating material possessions is a high priority with them. These Younger Boomers are at a natural life stage in which accumulating material possessions is normal. Add to this the dual influences of growing up in a difficult economy and the strong emphasis placed on possessions.
  3. Having a sense of personal power and control – and not being vulnerable to life’s uncertainties – is important. For Trailing Edge Boomers, independence is less about choice and more about being in control of one’s life. They seek to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves and to avoid the pitfalls.
  4. They are pragmatic about family matters, such as funding their children’s college and their own retirement. Connectedness to family, friends and society is a powerful driver, since children of Trailing Edge Boomers may be still at home, in college or just starting their own careers. This allows them a high degree of social contact with family. You will find them open to discussing retirement housing options.

For information about my retirement community training programs, contact me at [email protected], by phone at (704) 554-7863.
