Skating couple still rolling at 90

You could say that Joyce and Arthur George are high rollers. The couple, who are 89 and 90 years old, respectively, and who live in the Toronto suburb of Burlington, are regular roller-skaters at their local indoor rink, as reported recently in the Toronto Star newspaper.

Joyce first started roller-skating at only seven years old, and Arthur started a bit later at the age of 15, and today, they are the experts at Scooter’s Roller Palace, where they teach skating lessons, and have been doing so for 23 years.

And although the couple has not avoided health issues – they have both suffered heart attacks, and Arthur broke his hip three years ago when walking his dog – they continue rolling.

“I’m not going to sit here and wait to die, I want to get out and enjoy life. And skating is the best part of our life,” Arthur told the newspaper.

What makes Arthur even more impressive is that he is legally blind, and when he’s on the rink, his wife leads and helps direct him, but because he has 75 years of roller-skating experience, he knows the rink from memory.

“I can see the big picture,” he said, but there’s no word whether the couple plan to start teaching lessons at local assisted living communities.