That is the plot of a recently-released British comedy/drama movie, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which tells the story of a group of seven retirees, enticed by a glossy website and brochure, decide to retire at an Indian retirement home, only finding that it’s not nearly as luxurious as they were led to believe.
According to a review in the San Francisco Chronicle, each of the retirees has a separate story and background in the film, and their characters develop as the movie progresses, from a maid looking for a cheap hip replacement to an aging couple looking for a different kind of experience.
The film features celebrated actors such as Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, and Indian actor Dev Patel, who rose to fame when he appeared in ‘Slumdog Millionaire.’
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is based on a 2004 book, These Foolish Things.
In North America, there are plenty of retirement communities, ranging from assisted living to Alzheimer’s Care, which are as luxurious as their advertisements claim.