The examples are many, and can include household work, cooking and cleaning tasks, caring for children or elderly, routine residential or office desk work, permanently answering calls, taking care of your beautiful garden and other property, driving children or old people to doctor appointments, just to name the most important. Engaging in these activities is certainly useful and pleasant to some people, but when you realize that it consumes all the time that you would like to dedicate to higher purposes, you frequently start to reconsider this practice.
By taking some time to evaluate the work that needs to be done in your household, you will soon realize that such services are a valuable investment rather than an unpleasant cost. There are plenty of services that can be discussed from the perspective of their value and cost-effectiveness, but we would like to focus here on the benefits of non-medical caregiving for children and elderly, especially those with special needs and health issues that don't require specialized medical care.
Having children and elderly in your home is certainly a pleasant and blessed experience. Children provide joy and excitement, while elderly frequently offer their advice and life experience as a legacy to those who enjoy taking care of them. Most of you certainly enjoy taking care of such people and don't like to complain when the going gets tough sometimes.
However, the picture may change a little bit when your child or your old parent has special needs. We are not talking here about dangerous and life-threatening conditions such a heart disease, stroke or cancer, which would certainly require professional medical in-home or hospital care. Such specialized medical care is much more expensive to provide and will have a substantial impact on your family budget. Non-medical caregiving for children and the elderly is more affordable and is useful for individuals with certain chronic disorders or special needs that do not require costly in-home medical care.
Most common medical conditions that affect the elderly are arthritis and its complications, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, high blood pressure that is controlled with medication, vision impairment, movement disabilities and other diseases. These are conditions that usually do not progress spontaneously and are not associated with the need of permanent medical in-home care or frequent hospitalization.
In case of arthritis and Alzheimer's, there is no medical or drug cure that could effectively treat the disease. High blood pressure is usually well controlled with medication. Vision impairment and movement disabilities are part of the aging process and need no specialized in-home medical attention. The elderly who suffer from these and other disease frequently require time-consuming home care that could be an impediment in your career plans or talent development.
These people may have special dietary requirements, difficulty with bathing and hygiene, difficulty with moving around the house and going to medical appointments, or simply might need to have a person around to avoid depression and negative thoughts. While we are certain that you can perform these activities in the most compassionate and tender way, we would like to offer you the possibility to dedicate yourself to activities that better suit your talent and expertise, and give you a helping hand. You can end up actually improving your financial situation by having more time for work projects and smart financial solutions.
Aside from general children's home care, which can be effectively managed through our services, some American families, unfortunately, have children with special care needs. ADHD, consequences of birth trauma or infections, genetic disorders, learning disabilities, certain neurological conditions and other non-emergency, non-dangerous medical conditions in your child, which generally don't require specialized medical in-home care apart from regular medical appointments, may lead to the necessity of professional and affordable non-medical caregiving services.