According to a recent article in The Huffington Post, Republican candidate, Mitt Romney has made Big Bird a favorite Costume, after his pledge to cut Sesame Street in the first USA Presidential Debate.
The paper suggested old favorites like Superman, President Obama, or characters from Jersey Shore.
But, let's say, the stores are sold out? Huffington Post suggested an old standby: an old person.
This year's selection of old man and old woman costumes has led to an assortment of stereotypes of the elderly. Costumes tend to be noticeably gruesome or pathetic. Masks with warts, white wigs and liver spots are the rage this year. Inflatable canes and walkers are popular.
Websites on how to dress like an old person instruct to design an old character face with spots, scars, apple cheeks, jowls, or even nose putty.
So, do the latest Halloween costumes go too far and mock the elderly, or is just good fun?
Tell us what you think.