97-year-old Woman Loves Facebook

Facebook is becoming popular among elderly people, once they learn how to start an account and deal with notifications, newsfeeds, timelines and privacy issues, reports The Huffington Post.

Eighty seven libraries in New York are helping seniors get connected during 90-minute courses. The city's libraries report an increase in seniors using social media, including  two women, 69-year-old and  76 year-old. NYC is proud of the unnamed publicity shy 97-year-old who is learning the how-to's of Facebook.

The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports that online seniors are growing. More than half of U.S. adults 65 and older are online.

Seniors tend to be unsure of themselves when exploring Facebook, need reinforcement and some tips about how to utilize it better. New York library instructors instruct on the concepts of "friending" and responding to requests on Facebook, especially from persons they recognize.

Classes are also offered about Google, eBooks, basics of the computer and how to use mobile devices.

Social Media classes are offered to seniors across the US and Canada.
